returns information function, expected score function, score simulation function, or score distribution for a single item, an arbitrary group of items or all items
items = NULL,
booklet_id = NULL,
parms_draw = c("average", "sample")
items = NULL,
booklet_id = NULL,
parms_draw = c("average", "sample")
items = NULL,
booklet_id = NULL,
parms_draw = c("average", "sample")
items = NULL,
booklet_id = NULL,
parms_draw = c("average", "sample")
object produced by fit_enorm
or a data.frame with columns item_id, item_score and,
depending on parametrization, a column named either beta/delta, eta or b
vector of one or more item_id's. If NULL and booklet_id is also NULL, all items in parms are used
id of a single booklet (e.g. the test information function), if items is not NULL this is ignored
when the item parameters are estimated with method "Bayes" (see: fit_enorm
parms_draw specifies whether to use a sample (a different item parameter draw for each output column) or the posterior mean
of the item draws. Alternatively, it can be an integer specifying a specific draw. It is ignored when parms is not estimated Bayesianly.
Each function returns a new function which accepts a vector of theta's. These return the following values:
an equal length vector with the information estimate at each value of theta.
an equal length vector with the expected score at each value of theta
a matrix with length(theta) rows and one column for each item containing simulated scores based on theta. To obtain test scores, use rowSums on this matrix
a matrix with length(theta) rows and one column for each possible sumscore containing the probability of the score given theta
db = start_new_project(verbAggrRules,':memory:')
add_booklet(db,verbAggrData, "agg")
#> no column `person_id` provided, automatically generating unique person id's
#> $items
#> [1] "S1DoCurse" "S1DoScold" "S1DoShout" "S1WantCurse" "S1WantScold"
#> [6] "S1WantShout" "S2DoCurse" "S2DoScold" "S2DoShout" "S2WantCurse"
#> [11] "S2WantScold" "S2WantShout" "S3DoCurse" "S3DoScold" "S3DoShout"
#> [16] "S3WantCurse" "S3WantScold" "S3WantShout" "S4DoCurse" "S4DoScold"
#> [21] "S4DoShout" "S4WantCurse" "S4WantScold" "S4WantShout"
#> $person_properties
#> character(0)
#> $columns_ignored
#> [1] "gender" "anger"
p = fit_enorm(db)
# plot information function for single item
ifun = information(p, "S1DoScold")
# compare test information function to the population ability distribution
ifun = information(p, booklet="agg")
pv = plausible_values(db,p)
op = par(no.readonly=TRUE)
par(mar = c(5,4,2,4))
plot(ifun,from=-4,to=4, xlab='theta', ylab='test information')
plot(density(pv$PV1), col='green', axes=FALSE, xlab=NA, ylab=NA, main=NA)
mtext(side = 4, line = 2.5, 'population density (green)')